Holiday Guide: Gifts For The Bitcoiners

Coin Cloud
4 min readDec 19, 2018

The best time of the year is finally here. Fireplaces, family, friends and food… there’s nothing better than Holiday season. From the gifts to lounging in your pajamas all day, the Holiday season is a time when all your worries seem to subside, at least for a little bit.

Although it may seem like the Bitcoin market was on the naughty list this year, there’s still a way to find some Bitcoin holiday cheer. And what’s a better way to celebrate the holiday than with Bitcoin themed gifts?! Here at Coin Cloud, we know that figuring out what to buy your Bitcoin enthusiast family members and friends can be difficult, so we’ve put together a list of a few different items that any Bitcoiners would be happy to see under the tree.

1. Give Bitcoin

Well, the most obvious way to make any Bitcoiner happy is to just buy them more Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin’s price is down, purchasing Bitcoin isn’t nearly as expensive as it would’ve been a few months ago. Today, Bitcoin is trading at $3,195.00, down nearly 80% from the $18,000 that it was trading at at the beginning of this year.

2. Hardware Wallets

For anyone who’s invested a significant amount of money into Bitcoin, a hardware wallet is the perfect gift for them. Hardware wallets are different than digital wallets in that they allow users to keep their coins offline, giving an added level of security.

The two most popular hardware wallets are the Trezor and the Ledger. These two are by far the most vetted and most widely recognized hardware wallets available.

Key advice: Be sure to purchase these directly from the manufacturers. There are some third-party companies that make fraudulent hardware wallets. Be careful because the last thing you want to do is have your gift be a scam.

3. Books

In a new, and sometimes confusing, space like Bitcoin, learning all that you can about the cryptocurrency is imperative to one’s success. Luckily, there isn’t a shortage of books out there that cover both Bitcoin and its underlying technology, blockchain. There are books for beginners, experts and everyone in between.

One of our favorite books is Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas M. Antonopoulos. Published in 2014, Mastering Bitcoin explores the technology behind Bitcoin, the purpose of the digital currency and its application in the real world. This book helps readers learn how the currency works, the nature of the bitcoin transaction and details about the underlying network.

Another one of our favorites is Cryptocurrency 2018 by Abraham K. White. Released in 2017, the book is all about mining, investing and trading in digital currencies.

4. Casa Lightning Node

The Casa Lightning Node is the joint work between Lightning Ramp and Casa, two crypto development companies who have been channeling their energy into developing more usable and secure Lightning Network products.

The node combines the UI-friendliness of Lightning Ramp’s software with the security strength of Casa’s multi-signature private key management. Unlike bootstrapping a Lightning Network node from scratch, the Casa Lightning Node has a low barrier to entry. It comes pre-synced with the Bitcoin blockchain, requires no coding experience to set up, and its dashboard makes managing the node and its related payment channels easy for less tech-savvy users.

5. Swag

Who doesn’t love swag? T-shirts, stickers, cups, and so much more is available. There are a few different companies that make Bitcoin-themed products which are perfect gifts for Bitcoiners. Head on over to All Things Decentral, Bitgear or Zazzle to find all the Bitcoin-themed shirts, wallets, jewelry and anything else that you can think of!

Happy Holidays

For all of us Bitcoiners, the down market may make some of our Holidays a little less exciting than we would’ve liked it to be. But, don’t let it get you down. The price of Bitcoin has since returned to a healthier level and can only go up from here. With the way things are looking, Bitcoin will slowly but surely increase in price. It’s only a matter of time before Bitcoin creeps into every aspect of life. In the meantime, go ahead and enjoy your Holidays. Here at Coin Cloud, we wish you an amazing Holiday season!

What Is Coin Cloud?

Coin Cloud is a Bitcoin ATM company headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. With over 627 locations nationwide, Coin Cloud boasts one of the largest and fastest-growing networks of two-way Bitcoin ATMs in the world. Our network has helped more than 144,000 customers buy and sell cryptocurrency since opening our doors in 2014. To find your nearest Bitcoin ATM, please visit



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